YSGOL BRYN ELIAN GAINS CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE STATUS AND ALSO THE INCLUSIVE SCHOOL AWARD. We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have been awarded the Centre of Excellence status by the IQM as well as receiving the coveted Inclusive School Award.
The school had applied to be assessed against very strict criteria for the IQM's Inclusive School Award in January 2022. As a result we were booked in for two days of strict and thorough grilling where the IQM assessor interviewed, parents, learners, staff and Governors as well as scrutinised the school's paper work. Lessons were also seen and scrutiny of books took place.
By the end of day 1 the assessor stated that she had seen some excellent practice, often sector leading, but there was still more to see and more to assess. It was amazing then to hear after moderation that not only had the school gained the Inclusion Quality Mark but that the excellent practice seen at the school meant that we were also assigned the status of being a Centre of Excellence.
We are so proud of this fact as this is recognition of all the hard work the staff at the school put into teaching and learning. It also recognises the excellent attitude of our learners as well as the support of our parent body. It was amazing to be recognised for the fact that we aork strongly as a school to live up to our motto of 'Achievement for All'
So, from Ysgol Bryn Elian – Thank you very much to all concerned.
The IQM Centre of Excellence report and Inclusive School Award can be found by clicking on this link where you can read a summary of the reasons why we were deemed to be a Centre of Excellence.
Ysgol Bryn Elian Achieves Centre of Excellence | IQM (iqmaward.com)
#Achievement for All #Llwyddiant i Bawb #IQM

School Day
- 8.30am Morning Registration
- 8.45am Lesson 1
- 9:45am Lesson 2
- 10.45am Morning break
- 11:00am Lesson 3
- 12.00pm Lesson 4
- 13:00pm Lunch break
- 13.45pm Lesson 5
- 14:45pm End of school for pupils
Latest Information for Parents
- June 27 2022 INSET Day to prepare for Curriculum for Wales - School will be closed to all pupils on this day
- Link to our KiVa anti-bullying resoure page
- Download our Winter 2021 Newsletter
- Career advice - for pupils looking for career advice please visit how2become for guidance and information on a wide range of careers
- Changes to Covid guidelines following the discovery of the Omicron variant - mask wearing in classrooms as of 03/12/21
- Update for Learners in Years 11, 12 and 13 from the Headteacher
- Letter to learners in Wales - vocational qualifications, what to do now
Further information about Bryn Elian can be found in our prospectus along with our extensive range of courses in our school prospectus and sixth form prospectus
Parent Letters
Download the latest letters, newsletters and other important school information for parents here
School Curriculum
The school offers a wide range of curriculm courses. For more detailed information on each subject view our curriculum options here
All pupils are expected to wear the school uniform correctly. By wearing the uniform a pupil is endorsing his or her pride in being a member of Ysgol Bryn Elian. More information about Bryn Elian's school uniform code can be found here
School Contacts
If you need to contact a certain member of staff please find a list of useful school contacts here
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Our Awards
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About our School
- large attractive campus on the edge of open fields
- Fully equipped theatre for large scale productions
- Each classroom equipped with interactive white board and data projector
- Music suite with up to date technology
- Dedicated learning support area
- Full ALNCo support
- 6 fully equipped ICT rooms
- Well equipped science laboratories
- All-weather sports pitch and tennis courts