Awards Evening 2016
Tuesday, 20 September, 2016 | Filed in: Awards

On the evening of September 15th, Ysgol Bryn Elian held their 20th Annual Awards Evening which is a special event rewarding pupils for academic success and progress, across all three Key Stages. There are also special awards for Pupil of the Year, Head Girl and Head Boy. This year Richard Scott was awarded the Pupil of the Year, his teachers describing him as “A pupil who scored extremely high GCSE scores” and is described by his old form tutor, Miss Way as “having a mature attitude towards his academic studies as well as his interests outside school”. She also went on to say that Richard is “gentlemanly and respectful and someone who holds very entertaining and informative conversations. Richard is a thoroughly pleasant young man, well-liked by his year group. Throughout his time at the school he has been willing to go that extra mile, without complaint”. Georgia Williams was awarded the Key Stage 5 mathematics award along with the shield for Head Girl. Teachers said of Georgia “This award goes to an extremely talented young lady. Georgia has been a credit to the school and has consistently gone above and beyond within mathematics. The detail in Georgia’s work is always outstanding, demonstrating exceptional analytical and evaluation qualities. Georgia has always strived for the very best and has independently researched topics to further develop her understanding. Georgia’s ability to work with and drive others through engrossing herself within her work only emphasises the fact that Georgia thoroughly deserves this award.”Alongside the academic awards the school presented Duke of Edinburgh Gold Awards to 11 of the pupils and during the evening there was a wonderful musical interlude by Bethany Ansell, singing ‘I dreamed a dream’ from Les Miserables.

Acting Headteacher Mrs Mair Herbert said “This has been a most enjoyable evening, as school staff and governors have joined with parents to celebrate the significant successes and achievements of our wonderful pupils. Congratulations to all our Award winners”.