Bryn Elian News

ECO Committee Litterpick

blogEntryTopperThis years Eco-Committee have chosen ‘Litter’ as one of the four focus points in their Action Plan.On Wednesday 23rd November, the Eco-Committee arranged to complete a litter pick. The litter pick took place on Windsor Drive, Rayleigh Avenue and Smith Avenue. Read More…


blogEntryTopper10 Year 12 students have created a new business through the Young Enterprise programme called Tech-Ex. They have developed a brand and are working on their marketing to promote new innovative technology accessories. Read More…

Education Secretary Visits Ysgol Bryn Elian

blogEntryTopperYsgol Bryn Elian staff and students were delighted to welcome Cabinet Secretary for Education Kirsty Williams to the school on Monday 21st November 2016.A Level Computer Science student Benedict Walsh impressed the Cabinet Secretary with his demonstration of the HCT VIVE and she gamely took the opportunity to try out the virtual reality headset for herself, creating some impressive artistic images. She went on to announce the breaking news that £5 million is to be invested in improving IT connectivity for schools in Wales in the coming months. Read More…

Science on the Move

blogEntryTopperLab in a Lorry, a mobile science lab for young people, visited Colwyn Bay on October 11th and 12th to connect young people in the region to science. Local school groups will take part in organised visits to the Lab which was based at Ysgol Bryn Elian.Designed to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers, Lab in a Lorry offers 11-14 year olds the opportunity to explore science through specially created interactive experiments.The Lab in a Lorry programme has been visiting schools, youth organisations, major events, and communities free-of-charge across the UK and Ireland since early 2005. Read More…

Awards Evening 2016

blogEntryTopperOn the evening of September 15th, Ysgol Bryn Elian held their 20th Annual Awards Evening which is a special event rewarding pupils for academic success and progress, across all three Key Stages. There are also special awards for Pupil of the Year, Head Girl and Head Boy. This year Richard Scott was awarded the Pupil of the Year, his teachers describing him as “A pupil who scored extremely high GCSE scores” and is described by his old form tutor, Miss Way as “having a mature attitude towards his academic studies as well as his interests outside school”. Read More…

Madagascar Trip 2016

blogEntryTopperOn July 27th 2016, seven year 11 students, along with two staff members went on the biennial expedition to Madagascar. This year’s itinerary, once again chosen by the students taking part involved time spent working in a children’s home, a three day boat trip taking in visits to a remote waterfall and several villages along the river bank, visits to both the dry and rain forest where different species of Lemur where spotted along with crocodiles, Fosa and snakes. One of the highlights of the expedition was opening a water pump in a remote village as part of the Madagascar Development fund. Read More…

GCSE Results 2016

blogEntryTopperYsgol Bryn Elian is once again celebrating a remarkable set of GCSE results, adding to the great success of last week’s ‘A’ level results. Year on year increase has resulted in 2016 being the best set of results ever with a minimum of 90% of students gaining at least 3 A*/A or equivalent – An amazing statistic. Read More…

A Level Results 2016

blogEntryTopperOnce again, we are delighted with the outstanding results achieved by our dedicated and hard working pupils adding the continued positive trends over the last few years. All students gained qualifications with in excess of 67% of pupils gaining A*/A or equivalent in at least one subject area. This stunning figure is matched by the number of pupils who gained 2 or more A levels at grades A* -C, through our academically rigorous curriculum. Yet again, all pupils, without exception, left with qualifications.

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Berlin Trip 2016

From Saturday 16th July to Tuesday 19th July we have our trip to Berlin with the languages department. Berlin manages to encapsulate all that is modern about Europe, whilst not forgetting its turbulent past. Read More…